This Life

It’s been a long week, I’m not going to lie. I can’t pick things up, put on socks or empty the dishwasher without feeling it in my ribs/hips/back.

I’m well aware that I need to be sensible but life goes on you know? I still have to get stuff done but at the moment it’s a balancing act between keeping on top of stuff and accepting that good enough is good enough. So there’s a sticky mark on the wooden floor in my hallway. I just have to let that go if I want to get the kids fed, washed and happily tucked in to beds without tears from anyone.

I’m basically a walking Braxton Hicks contraction. I think because I’m busy hicksing all day my body is exhausted by the evening but I’m so tense that I can’t relax if that makes sense.

I’ve packed my hospital bag – sort of – why do I always forget to buy something? Christmas stuff is mostly taken care of and we have lots of lovely things to look forward to in the next few weeks. I got to meet up with my friend and her beautiful baby this week which is always balm for my soul and B and G are a constant source of hilarity and joy. Greig and I had an evening out for dinner and to see ‘Wicked’ which was wonderful.  So you know, my glass is very full, it’s just pregnancy is less fun and more painful than it appears in the movies.

getting our Christmas craft on

my moomintroll decoration is my favourite ever

grier is deeply obsessed with this snowglobe and sings ‘we miss you have a very christmas’ about 8 billion times a day.

look see. a hospital bag with stuff in it.

dontcha wish your jumpers were as good as ours? these two won the granny lottery many times over and here’s just one reason why

6 thoughts on “This Life

  1. Oh how I wish I could eat one of the reindeer sandwiches (but then Grier would probably say ‘No chance!’). Great pictures as usual.Not long to go until baby 3 arrives and you will be overwhelmed with love him/her.. Exciting times! X

  2. I LOVE their Christmas jumpers – they really did win the Grandma lottery – the big question is, is there something small and Christmassy for the bump just in case!!

  3. Lovely photos – those Christmas jumpers are fab! All that ‘hicksing’ (great word, by the way) must be awful – I hope it gets better soon!

  4. Yay for the hospital bag! How many weeks are you now? Your Bump is lovely – why do we always forget how rubbish pregnancy actually is (sometimes!!) until we’re pregnant again??

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

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