Naughty Basket

Just kidding, we don’t really go in for the naughty step in this house, Greig wouldn’t sit for 32 minutes. Once you’ve emptied your toy basket what else would you do but get in and get comfy? We had a toy clear out today in preparation for a scheduled visit from the guy in the […]

Busy, busy, busy

This weekend has been wonderful. Filled with family and fun and all things nice. We made cinnamon buns we visited Edinburgh Castle We had dinner at Nana and Grandad’s and had snuggles and stories with Auntie Louisa and Uncle Sean We hope we see you again soon for more of the same. We saw Tony, […]


Today has been one of those rare days where the universe and I seem to have the same plans. The baby has slept well, Brodie and I have had loads of fun, I’ve managed to throw a load in the washing machine and I’m now sitting having a cup of tea which is always the […]

Just Rude

Grier had her first immunisations yesterday. She was great, did the obligatory red-faced, silent baby scream before a blood curdling howl that makes you feel like you might be sick. She calmed down really quickly and Brodie was impressed with the stickers (plasters) she got to cover the injection site. We gave her calpol and […]

Two Months

Grier is two months old today. How on earth did we get from this to this in two short months? You are still very relaxed Grier, and only cry when you are hungry or tired. You are starting to make a lot of noise just like Brodie did and while Brodie saved all his best […]

Autumn Spice

I think autumn might be my favourite season. I like crisp weather, Brodie’s fascination with the changing leaves, the cozy evenings inside. Well actually with two small children every evening is spent inside, but when it’s cold and dark outside it feels legitimate to be cosied up with a warm drink and a good book. […]