Baxter is born

What follows is the birth story I wrote in June 2015. Don’t ask me why it has taken me so long to hit publish but as it’s 2 sleeps until Baxter turns 3 it seems fitting to do it now…… Ok, so before we start. I didn’t take my camera with me to the hospital. […]

3 is our magic number

I have always really wanted to have 3 children. I am so lucky to have 3 beautiful, wonderful children. Each one of them is such an important part of our family. I cannot imagine how it would be if they weren’t all 3 here, being them. I almost didn’t dare ask the universe for another […]


How do you fancy meeting the newest member of our family? Allow me to introduce you to Baxter Andrew Cameron. Born 9th January, 2015 at 11.32 pm which incidentally was his due date. Apparently I also arrived on my due date. Somehow, he weighed 9lbs and half an ounce at birth. Two pounds heavier than […]


(Nearly) Helloooo from the ever expansive world of black lycra clothing. I’m down to two outfits and one of those is pyjamas. Today marks my being 39 days and 5 days pregnant. Which is the most pregnant I’ve ever been. Here is photographic proof. Before I go on I should just clarify that I’m not […]

Speak Up

I don’t know. I might have mentioned this once or twice recently. I’m pregnant. I’ve been thinking about giving birth times 1 and 2 and how that all happened. I’ve thinking about birth plans and hopes and dreams and all that stuff. I’ve spoken before about how how my control freakery contrasts with a desire […]

Grier’s Birth Story

This is just after getting home from hospital You can read Brodie’s birth story here. Brodie was born at 38 weeks 4 days, so by 38 weeks 5 days I was impatient. Not really, I was actually pretty happy, comfortable (ish) and happy to spend time with my boy whose time as ‘only child’ was […]