At last

So Greig finally got my camera to speak to Picasa again so I thought you would probably appreciate some Brodie photos. For his first birthday we bought Brodie a ball tent. For about a year he failed to see it’s many attractions. For his second birthday his Granny and Granda bought him pop up goals, […]

10 Secrets

I cannot sleep unless the duvet cover fastenings are at the foot of the bed. I cannot sleep with socks on, I feel like I can’t breathe. I can sleep pretty much anywhere, the Musee D’orsay in Paris on honeymoon, is one of my best just ask Greig. I’m pretty sure I did have socks […]

6 years

We have been married for six years, or 2191 days. Every time I go to a wedding I kind of relive our vows. I am reminded of the promises we made to each other and while I mostly feel that we’re doing pretty well, I always think could I be doing more? Could I do […]

things on thursday

So today I washed our bed sheets and just now my washing machine is holding them hostage. I can’t get it to spin and instead of finding the instructions and working out what’s wrong I’m writing this and cursing a washing machine. And for the last half an hour I’ve been trying to upload the […]

Thank you

I made these really quick and simple cards to send as a thank you for Brodie’s birthday presents. I say quick and simple but they still took me ages. I seem to be on a craft go slow at the moment. My grand ideas are completely dragged down by the reality of only having one […]

Compare and Contrast

Brodie and I having a mid morning snack on Friday. Brodie and Greig having a mid morning snack on Saturday. I’ll leave you to come up with your own conclusions………. We call this snow gardening. I started measuring, cutting and folding the invites. So exciting. Hope your weekends have been as fun as ours x


Brodie loves parcels. I love parcels. Especially ones filled with stationery. The materials for Vivienne and Craig’s invites arrived today. So exciting, and with birthday party and craft fair out of the way I can knuckle down and get them started. Vivienne wants to send them out in a couple of weeks which gives me […]

First Craft Fair

So with this weekend being so busy I haven’t had a chance to write about my first ever craft fair! On saturday I took up my first stall at the Morningside Makers Market with my handmade goodies. I am so thankful for Greig, Vikki and Kerry and Morag for helping me set it up, keeping […]


We had friends and family over today to celebrate Brodie’s birthday and it was a really great day. Brodie was surrounded by everyone he loves (a few notable exceptions – Auntie Isla, Uncle Sean and Auntie Louisa we missed you!) and it showed on his face all day. It feels so good that Brodie has […]

We’re going to the Zoo…….

Opening presents. Despite all the real animals, B was most taken with this. Did you see those zebras Brodie? A quick stop at the park. Hello tiger. Brodie had such great fun at the zoo and it was so great to see him exploring. He got so many lovely presents and we still have a […]