This Life

Oh, I’m excited to write this post this week! I love looking back through photos from our week to include. We went to the soft play with Nana, Grandad, Jade and Robbie but there’s no light so no photos, but trust that we had fun:) Heather and Sam came for lunch, we did more party […]

Living Arrows 8/52

So if you could just pretend that the photos for weeks 5,6,7 were fabulous that would be great. I’ve had my camera back for a few days and it still feels a bit strange to pick it up again, like we need to become acquainted once more which I’m sure we will. I love taking […]

Here’s what you missed…..

Gluten free buttermilk pancakes I’m the slowest knitter ever My deep, deep love for Eddie Redmayne (‘s shoes of course) About a billion library books Playdate with Sammy Rain Hours lost to the ‘bubble’ game on my notaniphone Brodie discovers the SeaQuest novels, life will never be the same again Brodie is introduced to ‘Stingray’, […]


So yesterday I dropped the ball, there was no this life post for the first time since May last year, because there are no photos. On Tuesday as I was clearing up the kitchen after lunch I heard the sickening sound of something hitting the ground. Thankfully it was not a small child, but it […]