This morning went a little something like this………

Wake up. Pick up baby who is also awake. Carry through to living room where Brodie is watching Bob while Greig gets ready for work. Hand baby to Greig and go to the toilet. Say goodbye to Greig. Get Brodie drink. Feed baby, make toast for me and Brodie. Brodie would please like cereal and cranberries. Change Grier’s nappy and collect her clothes from bedroom. Brodie would please like Duplo to play with and is there anyone who needs rescuing Mum? Wash and change Grier while slurping by now cold tea. Begin emptying dishwasher while Brodie plays cheered on by Grier. Brodie would please like his advent calendar chocolate. Keep emptying dishwasher. Hear Grier ‘shouting’, pick her up and read a cloth book. She yawns, back to bed Miss Grier. Settle Brodie in front of Peppa. Shower quickly. Slap on moisturiser. Check Brodie. Brodie would please like to bounce on the bed while I get dressed. We tiptoe. Bouncing. Dressed in first thing out of drawer. Brush hair. Brodie thirsty. Carry toddler and washing basket to kitchen. Fill washing machine. Brodie ‘helps’ to put in washing powder. Finish emptying dishwasher. Sit down to play with Brodie. Build duplo house, couple duplo tractor to many, many trailers to carry bricks to building sit. Site houses on giant road playmat under close eye of the boss. Baby awake, feed and change baby. Pack changing bag and find library book. Get Brodie’s hat, scarf, coat and gloves on. Brodie takes gloves off. Put my coat on ,get Grier into snowsuit and leave house carrying baby, changing bag and a snowglobe. Open garage to get pram. Realise pram is not attached to pram wheels. Put pram on pram wheels carrying baby, realise car seat adaptor is still on wheels, take off, put pram on. Get baby settled in pram, fix toddler roller. Set off, 200 yards later Brodie wants gloves. Luckily have them in pocket to put on him. Get to post box. Massive queue. Really? At the post box? Lift up Brodie and help him to stuff cards in. Make way to library passing a lady who comments that it’s really probably too cold to have the baby out today. I’ve not been out the house since Saturday lady, keep it to yourself. Read books with Brodie and play with Grier for five minutes. Grier getting cranky, cranky, crankier. Poor tired baby, try to convince her to sleep in pram but wails just keep getting louder. Quickly choose books with Brodie and take them to desk. Library woman takes an age to check them out whilst woman behind me sighs loudly and Grier cries. Get Grier back in pram, get Brodie’s clothes back on. Leave library into gale force winds. Wrestle pram onto pavement, Brodie cold. Help Mummy I’m cold. Nearly home. Toddler roller breaks, carry Brodie, toddler roller, changing bag and push pram for the final stretch. Get in. Baby down to sleep. Make boy lunch. Clean yoghurt out of Brodie’s hood and elbows. Read library books until Brodie looks sleepy. Put Brodie to bed. Brodie accidentally headbutts me. Cry a little from the pain. Grier wakes up. Feed and change baby. Tidy away duplo. Empty washing machine. Fill dryer. Second load in washing machine. Play tickle tickle with the baby. Give baby a kiss. Put Grier to sleep in cot. Sit down, cup of tea, Vikki’s here! Tell her all above, laugh x

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