Autumn Quilt

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I made this quilt for a friend of Morag’s who wants to give it to her daughter for Christmas. She brought me the material and all I had to do was put it together. She wanted a straighforward design with no sashing, just a simple border and straightforward quilting along the squares.

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I have to say the colours have really grown on me as we’ve made our way into autumn. Brodie was pretty fascinated with the different squares, my favourite is this pumpkin one. 

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This is the biggest quilt I’ve made and I managed to wrangle it into my machine relatively easily which makes me think I could probably tackle an even bigger project. I also bought myself some curved safety pins to use when sandwiching all the layers together and wow, those badboys are awesome. They really helped me keep it all together and made the process much easier. £2.95 well spent. 

I really hope that the quilt recipient likes her it. Not perfect but I hope it’s handmade charms will work their magic and she’ll enjoy snuggling up with this beauty.

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