This Life

we made it to the end of the week, although brodie was so exhausted this evening there were inevitable tears. not a week we will forget in a hurry but for now a few pictures.

i think the kids do believe us that daddy writes stories in the newspaper, but a big ole photo helps add credence to the claim.

the cuddle quota has been sizeable this week

i promise they posed like this without coercion


still embracing the after lunch nap like a champ


at my 20 week scan today the sonographer said the baby weighed 338g. so does this many pink lady apples. which is weird because i’m sure the baby is made of 74% pink lady apple.

i’m slushy grateful for a husband who takes the kids out and gets them to run laps of the garden after tea and convinces them they are having fun. i get 10 minutes of headspace and the kids get rid of any residual energy and

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